〒100-0011 Tokyo-to Chiyoda-ku Uchisaiwaicho 3-2 Uchisaiwaicho Tokyu Building 7F
In Japanese by Andreas Kieckens
Over the course of this demo, Andreas will:
In Japanese by Etsuji Nakai
OpenShift Origin is a service that offers a DevOps environment based on Docker and Kubernetes. During this presentation Nakai-san will give an outline of its inner workings and explain the architecture from the end user's point of view.
Since there are many techniques for container based DevOps environments, Nakai-san was thinking of having the following discussions:
Nakai-san's will put together his presentation based on this post on his blog. (Japanese)
The Tokyo Open Infra Users Group (TOIUG), formerly Wakame Users Group (WUG), is Axsh's official bilingual (English/Japanese) community. It's an informal group discussing all topics related to open ...
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